Hemorrhoids may be difficult, especially if you are always on the go and need to work. It can be painful to walk around with hemorrhoids and painful, even sit up! And it is painfully searching for a cure or even buy at the pharmacy! Despite all this pain and embarrassment, you should not have missed, you can consult with your doctor. Your doctor will always know better than engage you, so talk to your doctor first before the piles> Regimens, whether they are natural or based on commercial drugs.
What are the causes of hemorrhoids exactly? There are many factors that would be more difficult but the most common fecal matter. This happens when we eat less, consume less fiber and water, and keep a fast-food diet, fat, fat is full, and empty calories. Today's fast-paced consumerist culture, and is also home to eat the fast and easy to guard, so these foods and begin to more fiber to yourDiet. You can by the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables to be done, and whole grains such as oats and wheat.
You can also try a natural hemorrhoids treatment. Such treatments can also self-hypnosis to help you, your pain better, by focusing on other things. Another natural treatment is acupuncture, where needles are used in different parts of the skin to your body to its natural rhythm flow yield. Through thisMethod of claim acupuncturists, you can improve faster.
There are also various creams, which you can use to slow down the affected area in order to ease the flow of blood and pain. For example, witch hazel cream known to shrink blood vessels so that the contract itself. This can ease the pain and cause swelling of hemorrhoids and you can go faster.
You can also use lubricant on the affected area to keep the pain at bay, keep burning at aMinimum, and relieve some of the itch that you scratch behind you definitely can not do! Such creams would include aloe gel, butcher's broom, calendula and St. John's wort oil. The calendula cream also relieves some of the swelling, and you can add fresh calendula to produce hot water, make an infusion, and then add it to your sitz bath. The sitz bath submersion It includes your body in warm water and keep your knees elevated, while you do so.
You can also use teaan infusion of horsetail. Horsetail tea can slow the bleeding. You can also dandelion capsules or psyllium seed, which can make your chair a lot softer. Psyllium seed is also used to coat your intestines, so that from the faeces can go even faster.
Another popular capsule, which will be marketed, is a stone or root Collinsonia. Stone root is known as a vein tonic. It can therefore help to alleviate the pain and keep breaking out of fragile blood vessels. The usual dose forStone Root capsules is two tables per day, interspersed with plenty of water.
These are just some of the recommended natural hemorrhoids treatment that you want to discuss with your doctor. Always talk to your doctor about the different combinations of treatments that may work for you, as well as various diseases that you might also have. With a lot of common sense, you can beat hemorrhoids and be healthy soon enough.
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